Sunday, May 24, 2009

We are afraid of the wrong things...

I agree! We are afraid of a lot of things these days…. the credit crunch, being retrenched as a result thereof, crime, poor health…I can go on and on. But what if we take a step back and think about the bigger scope of life for a change?

If you are going to be afraid of things, might as well see it in the bigger picture, put it in perspective and decide then if you will be wasting you’re time to be afraid of it.

It is easy to say that we ought to be fearless beings but fact remains that there are still things we are afraid of. The catch is just that we need to decide which of these things we are going to allow into our lives and whether we are going to allow ourselves to be phased by it.

And fair enough- if it is legitimate to be afraid of something, then so be it. Identify the problem, figure out what you are going to do about it, do it and let go and stop fearing it….face your fears.

But most importantly one must CHOOSE what is important enough to be scared of.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is the colour of the wind?

I am not a weed smoker at all…so I have never been stoned enough to establish the exact colour of the wind quite frankly. I settled for a cuppa Camomile Rooibos Tea to find inspiration for this blogpost…
I think the wind has got different colours depending on when and how strong it blows.

The sea wind is a mixture of white and light blue. It complements the beauty of the ocean.

On an absolute scorcher of a day, driving around in my un-air-conditioned little car, any sign of wind is welcoming. That wind is a refreshing green. It is inviting and cool and I am truly thankful for every moment of that green welcoming wind.

On one of those ‘oh so typical cape townian’ days where the mountain is covered with a white cloth of wind... It is when you can’t put one foot in front of another, one of those ‘don’t-you-dare-wearing-a-dress-today’-winds. A witch of a wind. It’s a black wind.

It is all up to you to decide what colours you want to add to your life….whatever blows your hair back I guess!

If I were the boss...

…it is difficult for me to blog about this topic, seeing that I AM the boss? So let’s leave the word ‘IF’ for all practical purposes…. and allow me to say this: Could you just for once, please, give the boss a break? It is not a walk in the park.

I know it is difficult. I know some of you are running around buying Cappuccino’s for the Devil wearing Prada…I know you are blaming every single deadline-around-the-corner on the boss…I know you sometimes feel like banging her head against her newest apple Mac for not being open to your new idea…I completely understand where you are coming from.


Let’s look at it from a different perspective. Let us stop criticising the boss for once, and try to understand that, like you, the boss is also under pressure. And sorry to say but, the boss is the one taking the punch when things don’t work out. So OBVIOUSLY the boss needs to be a pain in the ass sometimes. If the boss wasn’t the one making the rules and setting deadlines, things will never be finished? I don’t say a Mugabe type of management style is the way to go. Obviously the boss should be open to suggestions from the team and be willing to learn from others’ experiences. But this ‘Boss wears Prada’ way of thinking should stop- it is recession times for Pete’s sake….ease up if you still have a job!